Physical Education

The Physical Education department aims to develop students to be active, caring and healthy learners who would participate in physical activities actively and safely, as well as understand the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle for their overall wellbeing. The PE curriculum provides broad-based opportunities for students to develop PE-related competencies in the three learning areas (Physical Activity, Outdoor Education, and Physical Health and Safety), enabling our students to be competent and confident individuals who enjoy a lifetime of active and healthy living safely and responsibly. Physical Education is also an important vehicle to educate life skills and to imbue core values like respect, responsibility, resilience, integrity, care and harmony. These are taught and facilitated at every opportune teaching moment.
Physical Activities:
Our school offers a range of physical activities across the various categories of games. Students develop efficiency, effectiveness and versatility in game concepts and skills across the various games. As students learn and practise these skills and concepts through games and recreational competitions, they can and transfer their skills and concepts, individually and with others, across the different games. With enhanced movement competence, students gain confidence to sustain their participation in physical activities beyond their school experience.
Outdoor Education:
Our outdoor education exposes and teaches students the fundamentals to engage and negotiate natural and urban environment that infuses a love for the outdoors and sense of adventure in them. In this process, students develop outdoor and environmental skills and experiences (e.g. map reading and navigation, tent-pitching, knots tying, starting fire with firewood, field cooking). These experiences will enable students to foster an appreciation for the outdoors and a deeper personal connection with the places around them and a desire to contribute to a sustainable community. Students apply their outdoor competencies (i.e., knowledge, skills, and attitudes) during the culminating tasks such as day trips and cohort camps where self-directed learning experiences develop their spirit of adventure, resilience, and deepen personal connections with the environment.
Physical Health and Safety:
Students develop an understanding of physical health concepts, active living, safe practices and personal hygiene. With the understanding, students apply the skills and knowledge to participate in physical activities regularly and safely, make healthier food choices and take care of themselves, thus developing a sense of personal responsibility towards active and healthy living. Students make connections between what they have learnt in class and their environment to exhibit health-enhancing behaviours.

Signature Programmes
We believe in educating students to enjoy and appreciate living active and healthy lifestyle through engaging in varied programmes. This is where our students compete in intra-class and inter-class sports, ACES Day Challenges, and Cross-Country Run. Besides, the Level Signature Programmes expose students to physical activities that are not taught in the curriculum, allowing them an opportunity to learn new games and skill sets.